Social Security Insurance provides payments to certain groups based on criteria. Social Security benefits are paid to certain workers who have reached retirement age. Their surviving spouses and children may qualify for survivor benefits as well. Likewise, Social Security Disability Insurance provides payments to individuals who cannot work due to a serious illness or injury, such as musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory disorders, or mental health disorders that are resistant to treatment and impact your ability to work.

Whether you need assistance applying for benefits or appealing the denial of your application, our office can help. A Staten Island Social Security benefits lawyers is familiar with the application process and eligibility requirements. A qualified elder law attorney can advise you of your options and ensure you get the payments you are entitled to under the law.

Types of Social Security Benefits

Social Security is a federal program that provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals and families. There are several categories  of benefits that depend on the applicant’s reason for applying, age, and work history.

  • Retirement benefits are paid to individuals who have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a sufficient number of years to qualify for payments.
  • Disability benefits are paid to individuals who become disabled before reaching retirement age and meet certain medical criteria to qualify.
  • Survivor benefits are paid to the surviving spouses and children of deceased workers who were eligible for Social Security benefits.

A Staten Island Social Security benefits lawyer can advise clients of the different forms of Social Security Insurance and whether they qualify for payments.

Eligibility for Social Security Benefits

The eligibility requirements for Social Security benefits vary depending on the benefit type. Generally, to be eligible for retirement benefits, the individual must have worked and paid Social Security taxes for a certain number of years for retirement or disability benefits. Only spouses and dependent children qualify for survivor benefits.

For Social Security Disability benefits, applicants must satisfy certain work and medical requirements. Applicants who have earned sufficient work credit and have an illness or injury lasting longer than twelve months that limits their ability to carry out work-related duties are eligible for Social Security Disability. Those who do not qualify for disability may be able to apply for Supplemental Security Income, which is a program for disabled or elderly individuals with limited financial means. The application for Social Security benefits can be found online at the Social Security Administration website or by visiting a local office. For more information, speak to a Staten Island Social Security benefits lawyer.

Get Help Applying for Social Security Benefits from a Staten Island Attorney

Although it is not necessary to hire an attorney to apply for Social Security benefits, it can help the process go smoothly. A legal professional can advise you of your rights and ensure you get the benefits you are entitled to receive. Social Security benefits can give you the means to support yourself and your loved ones, and we are here to guide you through the process.

A Staten Island Social Security benefits lawyer can help you by gathering the necessary documents and filing the application. If necessary, we could handle the appeals process. Contact our office to schedule a consultation to learn more about your eligibility for Social Security or discuss application requirements.